About This Project

Hello my name is LOVE

I am creating a video series to highlight the awesome people in the LGBTQIA+ community. I’m introducing folks within our community to showcase our humanity to the world.

These are your neighbors, your coworkers, your friends & family, folks who make amazing movies and music and books and art and gardens. These are doctors that save the lives of those you care about & in the military fighting for your rights every single day.

We are human beings just like anyone else, worthy of LOVE & acceptance, with hopes and dreams and life goals, fellow Americans who deserve the same rights as any other human.

Folks may not agree with certain lifestyles or chooses, but my goal is to show the world that despite our outward differences in lifestyle and personality, we are all the same on the inside, no matter what our differences are.

Our differences make us unique, not a threat. Our world is more vibrant and rich when we embrace the differences and celebrate that uniqueness.

We are stronger together.
Love Unites Us. Hate Divides Us.
Choose to see the LOVE.


Announcing the new website for my VIDEO SERIES project – Hello my name is L0VE, visit the live website now, send your friends to it & make all sorts of positive comments if u can – go to lunarayallday.com #hellomynameislove #lgbtqiaplus #spreadlove #shareyourstory #2slgbtqiaplus #helping #kindnessmatters #shareyourstorywiththeworld

♬ Happy (Chillout Acoustic Version) [Pharrell Williams Cover] – Afternoon Acoustic

Video Series Introduction Videos