My name is Justin “Be very kind and gentle with yourselves; it’s your journey”
My name is Siri “Live and let live”
My name is Jules “I found true happiness coming out, embracing my true self”
Hello my name is Hazel “Live your life enthusiastically”
Hello my name is Serenity “You are valid. You are loved. We care so much about you”
Hello my name is Manya “I do everything I do with a whole lot of love”
Hello my name is Marie “We love; we laugh; we live; we cry”
Hello my name is Lizz “People are just being their authentic selves”
Hello my name is Chris “Follow along & enjoy the journey with me, there will be a lot more adventures”
Hello my name is Mom “Love is LOVE & gender is a construct”
Hello my name is Vee “God loves us all! Just because we choose who we choose, does not make him…
Hello my name is Emma “Being who you are, to the truest extent, is the absolute definition of being a…
Hello My name is Dr Amethysta “Choose to see the LOVE”
Hello my name is Hoffie “I hope you take the extra step to be the person you want to be.”
Hello my name is Dixon “Be Safe! Know that it is ok to be who you are. Find your community….
Hello my name is Kayla “If you are scared or struggling with who you are, take the leap, it is…
Hello my name is Ashley “Live your truth and don’t be afraid, fight for what you believe in”
Hello my name is Troubled “Be who you are, love who you wanna love”
Hello my name is Laurin “Project LOVE is great! I really, really embrace and love this idea. Please Join!”